How much does a headshot cost?

a woman in a blue dress

Photographers usually charge between $75 and $500 for their headshots or professional ones.

leonardo dicaprio
Hey there, fellow headshot-seekers! If you've found yourself asking the age-old question, "How much do headshots cost?" then you're in the right place. Let's dive into the wild world of headshot pricing and explore the good, the bad, and the downright ugly (or, should I say, unflattering).

Attention! We at Real Fake Photos gathered a list of our top headshot photographers for cities around the world, so you don't have to. Check our list here and save valuable hours and nerves:)!

The Great Headshot Price Divide

When it comes to headshot pricing, it's like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're going to get. Seriously, prices can range anywhere from $75 to over $1000. I know, it's a pretty wide range, right? Let's break it down into three main categories to help you understand it all: high-end, budget, and mid-range photographers.

Living the High Life: The High-End Photographer

If you've got money to burn and are looking for the crème de la crème of headshot photography, then the high-end photographer is for you. With their stellar reputation, impressive network, and undeniable skills, these photographers can charge over $1000 for their services. The high-end clients they attract don't mind spending a pretty penny for quality, knowing they won't have to spend more time and money on reshoots.

The Budget Bargain: The $50-$200 Photographer

a man with a mustache and a woman with a mustache
> **If this is still too expensive for you,** we at Real Fake Photos allow you to obtain professional headshots from the comfort of your home for only $9.99! How may you wonder? It's simple, we take 10 selfies you have on your phone and convert them to headshots using AI! They are indistinguishable from real images, so what are you waiting for? Try it out [here](

Now, let's take a trip to the other end of the spectrum. If you're on a tight budget, the idea of a $50 headshot session might sound like music to your ears. But wait! Before you pull out your wallet, let's get real for a second. Unfortunately, budget photographers often lack experience, proper equipment, and the ability to create flattering images. So, while it may seem like a great deal, you might end up wasting time and money on headshots that don't make you look your best.That being said, we've all got to start somewhere! If you have a friend or acquaintance trying to break into the photography world, by all means, show your support and encourage their passion. Just be aware of the risks involved.

The Sweet Spot: The Mid-Range Photographer ($400-$1,000)

a man in a suit
Ah, the mid-range photographer - the Goldilocks of headshot pricing. Most professionals with sustained business charge between $400 and $1,000 for their services. So, how do you choose the one that's just right for you? Here are some factors to consider when searching for your perfect headshot match: - **Style**: Look for a photographer whose work speaks to you. If you love dramatic, moody images, don't go for someone who specializes in bright, cheerful shots. And make sure their editing style aligns with your preferences, especially when it comes to skin tone. - **Retouching**: Examine the level and quality of retouching in the photographer's portfolio. Make sure it matches your expectations. - **Packages/Deliverables**: Understand the pricing structure and what's included in the session. Do they offer retouched images? How many images are provided? Being clear on these details will save you headaches later on. - **Skill Level**: Look for a portfolio that showcases professionalism, modernity, and high-quality images. Pay attention to lighting, poses, and backgrounds.

Choosing Your Headshot Hero

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Armed with this knowledge, you're now ready to find the photographer of your dreams (or at least the one that won't make you cry when you see the results). Remember to do your research, read reviews, and prioritize quality over price. After all, a great headshot is an investment in yourself and your future success.

Making the Most of Your Headshot Session

Once you've found the perfect photographer for your needs, make sure you're fully prepared for your session. Here are a few tips to ensure you get the most out of your headshot experience:

  • Communication: Talk to your photographer about your goals and preferences. Discuss any concerns or specific requests you have. Open communication helps the photographer capture your best side.
  • Wardrobe: Plan your outfit(s) in advance, and make sure they're clean, wrinkle-free, and appropriate for the image you want to project.
  • Grooming: Get a haircut, trim your beard or mustache, and take care of any other grooming needs before your session. Consider hiring a professional makeup artist if it's within your budget.
  • Relax: Remember to relax and have fun during your session. A natural, genuine smile will always look better than a forced one.

Do you need your headshots now? We at Real Fake Photos allow you to obtain professional headshots from the comfort of your home for only $9.99! How may you wonder? It's simple, we take 10 selfies you have on your phone and convert them to headshots using AI! They are indistinguishable from real images, so what are you waiting for? Try it out here. We hope you liked this overview & hope to see you soon on our platform!